Noob Galore BattleGrounds
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Noob Galore BattleGrounds (7 min 08 sec)
Uploaded on 03-02-2013 at 08:32 PM by adamnp
BattleGrounds - YouTube
Noob Galore the best CS:S gaming community doing what we do best. Having a kick ass time doing a Battle Grounds night on our Awp Office server. If you dont know what BG is, its pretty simple. We basically do 1-3 hours worth of fun rounds whether its 1vs1 in the hallway or maybe a tmp free for all round. We also have done 1000HP M249(para) rounds in Front office to try and crash the server. Never happens.
What i am showing in this video is our Lumberjack round. Pretty much we make a big circle and its 1vs1 knifing in the center. The catch is that if you get too close to the edge of the circle you will get stabbed.
A link to the full video with what is probably a little better quality.
Tags: battlegrounds, counterstrike source, cs source, gaming community, noob galore, noob galore battlegrounds, noobgalore, noobgalore battlegrounds
Noob Galore BattleGrounds
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