Call me a hacker after i 1v1 slaughter your ass on any map and then post the fraps. piece of shit. nice community you got here ng.
Call me a hacker after i 1v1 slaughter your ass on any map and then post the fraps. piece of shit. nice community you got here ng.
MSI 790FX-GD70 | pII x6 1090t @ 4.0 | 4gb Crucial 1333 6-6-6-1T | EVGA GTX460 | 2x 500gb Momentus XT Raid 0 | No Case | Samsung 27" P2770HD
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Omg liek im so pro at css 1v1 me durrrrrrrrrr
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To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 10 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.
To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 10 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.
To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 10 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.
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Not familiar with the "any" map.
previously known as Winobot
retired Hideout Regular/Admin
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Lol rage much?
Believe it or not polish doesnt represent the entire community.
Taystew seriously there is no need to post such things on these forums....go somewhere else to start crap....don't bring it here.
Plus polish never goes on the there is no use for posting shit talk here.
well here is the thing tay, me and sir emo cocaine caught you wallin just didn't get the demo.
you join and go like 5-12 then rage quit after raging hardcore on the mic ( which is funny shit) then come back 5-10 min later and go 20-1?
once admins get on you would leave (before i got mine) and everyone knew about it, you've been called out on it once before, once again you're gonna rage because you get called out on your walls so you throw a fit, and like christina said you always have racist remarks, you always cause problems in the server once you start raging i do give you props you haven't lately, but then again you're hardly on when admins are on.
idk how many pm's i've gotten while i was gone that you were rasing hell, honestly polish is a good guy, and every time he's called out hacks on someone he's always been correct.
and yeah it's not cod or halo lmao you don't say lets 1v1, because i'd put atleast 1000$ down that he'd kick your ass and you'd rage.