IntroductionWhat name do you use most in-game?AxiPlease tell us a little about yourselffps' are my favorite way to unwindIf applicable please name the admin that told you to postCambodia
IntroductionWhat name do you use most in-game?AxiPlease tell us a little about yourselffps' are my favorite way to unwindIf applicable please name the admin that told you to postCambodia
Welcome to the forums buddy. Hope you continue to like NG and hope to meet you soon.
he wants to meet you so he can touch your weiner
Hey Welcome to the forum. Glad you can make itEnjoy your stay here and pm me if you need anything.
NG Cyanide: i just touched my balls then touched my mouth
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Welcome to NG and welcome to the forums.
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Welcome to the forums, don't hesitate to visit Reg Office sometimes![]()
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Welcome and stop by D2 some time too...
w00p welcome to NG!
Attached to the 7/95TH 4 BDE Army Reserve
welcome to the forums
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Welcome to forums! Although FPS's are great fun and what not remember that NG don't just stop at FPS games. We're a huge gaming community that spreads out to lots of different games like DOTA, StarCraft2, Diablo 3, and console games. Don't get burnt out on just playing FPS. If you want to learn to play or just play any other games check out the rest of the forums and u'll probably be able to find more people just like you. I play Diablo 3 and StarCraft 2 along with CS:S so if you want to play or learn to play those other games just hit me up with a PM or come and join us in vent! <(^_^<)
Dust2, where all the skilled CS:S players go. Office is for noobs and the unskilled. It's a free country, make your choice. I wont judge you...too much
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Steam Profie:
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Battlenet ID: wmoy10101#1639
Google talk/email:
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AIM: wiltonmoy