Interesting to hear that they are going to have a GunGame MOD type of game mode..
Also, the updates to Dust, Train and Nuke look AWESOME !!!!
Interesting to hear that they are going to have a GunGame MOD type of game mode..
Also, the updates to Dust, Train and Nuke look AWESOME !!!!
Last edited by Mr. Anja; 08-03-2012 at 09:53 AM.
Awesome! Exciting!
Train is still an absolute garbage unplayable map, literaelly everyone on ESEA vetos it if it EVER pops up. Rehashing the map and making some changes is cool, but when you completely break game balance its just stupid. Nuke is pretty bad too thankfully competitive versions are being made.
Dust is fine.
Overall though game is looking good. At least better than the pathetic release that was Source in 2004. Frankly if Source hadn't been so utterly terrible at release id go out on a limb and say 1.6 would no longer even be popular.
Last edited by t3fla; 08-03-2012 at 04:23 PM.
Woops, meant to say Italy... Lol
Any who, How would competitive versions of a map make them better?
Not quite sure what you're asking here. The goal is to make them more balanced, remove problem spots, make strats more dynamic and flexible because its just boring to watch 2 teams execute the same strat over and over (boring to play that too). Things like that
Nuke as it is has many of those problems. Its even more CT sided to the point of making 15-0 halfs common. T's cant rush vents because they have to crouch to enter vents. Taking upper without 2 flashes each is a suicide mission. That leaves outside and ramp and frankly its rather boring doing those 2 plays then having the CTs rotate and kill everyone. Occasionally if the CTs are playing terribly you may pick up a round.
Many things, I'll mention a few.
Inside on train is just a open space to play aim_map with a lot of FOG. The old train forced T's to take the site with caution and well placed grenades. It allowed CT's to play one guy inside and allow for more flexibility across the map. Now the CTs are left with little choice to have any sort of setups with everything missing in the site.
Bomb train in the middle of outside.
Probably the only thing they fixed was this
And i am infinitely thankful for that
Removing a bench makes it "more competitive" ? :-)
Italy is awesome on the game.. it has CHICKENS!
"We just have to push a little further..."
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I'm deff not a fan of Train at all, and never have been.. lol
Can't wait for GO to come out though !! ;-)