Personal Stats
Real Name: Rodger
In-Game: vArMiT
Age: 22
Gender: M
Height: 6 ' 1"
Weight: 182
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Location: No where Important
Occupation: Pharmacist
Server Admin
( If you're an Admin. )
Counter-Strike: Source: Crackhouse (Best fucking server ever made)
N00b Galore Server(s) of your Choice:
Counter-Strike: Source: Dust2 (only if RM is in there) or Crackhouse
Team Fortress 2: I WANT TF2 BACK!!!!
Video Games
Online: WoW, CS:S
Console: MW2, MGS Games
Xfire Status
Username: halomember
Photos (Thumbnails Only)
My Fiancee
I'll think of something else to post at some point.