Personal Stats
Real Name: Bryan Green
In-Game: Silent_Kill
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Height: 6"7
Weight: 210
Ethnicity: White
Location: Dallas, TX
Occupation: Student/School
Server Admin
Counter-Strike: Source: Gun Game and Crackhouse
Day of Defeat: Source: N/A
Team Fortress 2: N/A
N00b Galore Servers of your Choice:
Counter-Strike: Source: GG, CH, Office, hideout
Day of Defeat: Source: N/A
Team Fortress 2: All
Video Games
Online: CS:S, TF2, GM, Portal, COD4-5, HL1-2, L4D, Empire Total War
Console: PS3, PS2, Xbox360
Xfire Status
System Stats
Alienware 9750
CPU: Intel Core 2 CPU t7400 @ 2.16GHz @2.16
Video: nVidia 8700 GT
HD: 1-80 GB and 1-300 GB
Mouse: Standard Dell
Keyboard: Microsoft Wireless Multimedia Keyboard
Sound: RealTek Audio 7.1
Monitor: Alienware 17" laptop screen, dualed with a 37" Vizio
OS: Windows XP 32 Bit, Linux-Ubuntu
Average FPS: 65
System is abit outdated cause its a laptop, but it does the trick.