Personal Stats
Real Name: Joe
In-Game: [NG] It's A Series Of Tubes!
Age: 14 in a week
Gender: Male
Height: 5'6.5"
Weight: 170
Ethnicity: White (Irish, Polish, German, Welsh and others)
Location: NJ
Occupation: Mapper, Video editor/director
N00b Galore Server(s) of your Choice:
Counter-Strike: Source :ALL!
Video Games
Online: CS:S, TF2, L4D, HL series, WoW, and the most infamous... Runescape
Console: SSBB (wii) (no xbox or ps3 )
Xfire Status
Username: thescreenman
System Stats
CPU: AMD Phenom 9500 Quad-Core processor 2.20 GHz
Video: Nvidia GeForce 8500 GT
HD: ...
Mouse: Hewlett Packard
Keyboard: Hewlett Packard
Sound: Realtek
Monitor: Hannstar HF229
OS: Vista Home Premium (32-bit)
Average FPS: Last stress test was i think 90...
Photos (Thumbnails Only)
a school photo about a year ago