Personal Stats
Real Name: Anthony
In-Game: nG|ihax|Zarcnest
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Height: 5'7
Weight: 155 lbs, so fat
Ethnicity: Asian
Location: Ohio
Occupation: unemployed
N00b Galore Server(s) of your Choice:
Counter-Strike: Source: Dust2
Day of Defeat: Source:never knew we had any
Team Fortress 2:none
Video Games
Console: Xbox360: mw2
Xfire Status
Username: zamoru1
System Stats
CPU: Intel Pentium 4
RAM: 512mb
Video: radeon 9200 se
HD: 120gb WD
Mouse: Vaio
Keyboard: Vaio
Sound: Integrated
Monitor: 20" Widescreen LG
OS: Win xp
Average FPS: 30
Photos (Thumbnails Only)