Right click on steam,
goto setings,
on the "Account" page find the 'Beta Participation" area, click on "change" and select "The Steam Comunity"
In here you can select a unique ID and also join a unique Group of friends, pretty much just like xfire, it also has a login/logoff box that pops up ingame much like xfire. *The theming looks fairly well and it seems to be pretty quick as opposed to the Steam Friends.
Please add
Also, in your profiles, help out our community and our own GaloreGameServers.com
Add our WWW sites in your profile like I did and support us
These are some of the things we can do from within the SteamCommunity that will definately help out our community!
Manage Group Announcements - Create / Edit / Delete announcements
Manage Group Events - Create / Edit / Cancel events
Manage Group Chat Bans - View / Remove chat bans
Manage Group Members - Appoint Officers / Demote officers / Kick members from the group
Edit Group Permissions - Set who has specific administrative controls
Choose Player of the Week
Thanks guys