I play and go by Dirt*
Personal Stats
Real Name: Will
In-Game: Dirt*
Age: 23
Gender: M
Height: 6’
Weight: who still owns a scale? I’m college athletic
Ethnicity: White
Location: AZ
Occupation: Private IT Consultant
Server Admin
Counter-Strike: Source: Working towards it
Day of Defeat: Source:
Team Fortress 2:
N00b Galore Server(s) of your Choice:
Counter-Strike: Source: ZM and Crack house
Day of Defeat: Source:
Team Fortress 2:
Video Games
Online: VALVE… HL and HL2 Mods all but GMOD
Xfire Status
System Stats
CPU: 3.6
Video: Radeon9000
HD: 360GB
Mouse: POS Logitech
Keyboard: POS Logitech
Sound: integrated
Monitor: Laptop POS 17”/ 52” flat screen
OS: Win 7
Average FPS: 15 laptop/ 90 Desktop