1. Your Name? (Real name, last name not required)
Vassily (wierd name for an asian huh)
2. Your Age? (No lies, we will find out)
15 Years Old (cough ill be 16 in 3 weeks lol)
3. In-Game Name? (One you use on teamspeak and in CSS)
4. Your STEAMID?
5. Have you read and do you agree with the requirements?
6. Around what time interval do you normally play?
around 3-6pm, 9-12pm. CST.
7. How long have you been playing Counter-Strike Source, etc?
4 months
8. How long have you been playing in the NG community and actively been in teamspeak / forums?
mm i think a month or so?
9. Do you have any admin experience with mani-admin plugin?
10. Why do you want to be an admin on our servers? (Write a short paragraph)
well mainly because i want to keep the server full of people. That may sound stupid, but often times server goes from 23/24 suddenly to 2 or 4/24 in the server mainly because of a map people strongly dislike, mic-spammers, and occasionally a hacker. It is often frustrating for some people, including me, when the server is packed and there are the occasional afk players, creating the few players who want to enter the server unable to. Even when im not playing, im usually around the computer(besides some weekend days) and will be available if someone needs help in the server.