Admin Application Form
Your name? Dylan
Your age? 20
What server are you applying for? Hideout
In-game name? Zudamour
Your STEAM ID? STEAM_0:0:35112040
Have you read and do you agree with the requirements? Yes
Around what time interval do you normally play? varies depending on day but anywhere from 1-4 hours
How long have you been playing CSS on your Steam Account that you're applying with? 4 years
Do you sport the NG tag in your name at all times while in NG servers? Yes
Do you have a MIC, and Vent installed, and USE them both? Yes
What is your vent username? Zudamour
How long have you been playing in the NG community and actively been in vent and posting in the forums? 3 months
Do you have any admin experience with the Mani Admin plugin? no
Are you willing to donate on a monthly basis? yes when i can
Why do you want to be an admin on our servers? i want to experience being an admin, i love games, and love the community and want to try helping the community anyway i can
In what ways can you contribute to the overall population of the Server? i feel like my years of gaming experience and ability to create good media could help increase popularity of the forums and community and hoping that i can learn to be a good admin
Which *admin* referred you to apply for admin? Jcook