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Thread: Admin Recruit Requirements

  1. #1
    NG Administrator Mr. Anja's Avatar
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    Arrow Admin Recruit Requirements

    [/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma]* In this thread you will find information on how to become an NG Admin Recruit.[/FONT][FONT=Tahoma]

    [/FONT][FONT=Tahoma]NoobGalore Admin Team Structure:[/FONT][FONT=Tahoma]

    Senior Community Admins
    Game Leader
    Server Managers
    BRT Manager
    Perk Manager
    Server Admins
    Admin Recruits

    [/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma]How to become an admin recruit:[/FONT][FONT=Tahoma]

    • [FONT=Tahoma]Follow ALL of the Requirements listed BELOW.[/FONT]
    • [FONT=Tahoma] Abide by the Rules of the Server.[/FONT]
    • [FONT=Tahoma] Support and get along with Admins and Community Members.[/FONT]
    • [FONT=Tahoma]Do not annoy Players, especially Admins.[/FONT]
    • [FONT=Tahoma] No hacking of ANY KIND.[/FONT]
    • [FONT=Tahoma] No blocking, spraying offensive sprays, or using foul / offensive / degrading / racist language.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Tahoma]Top Tips on getting accepted quickly:[/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma]

    Once you apply. [/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma]

    • [FONT=Tahoma] Get active in ventrilo, talk to admins in your server and any SM's / SA's.[/FONT]
    • [FONT=Tahoma] Post regularly and constructively on the forums (no spamming- this won't help you).[/FONT]
    • [FONT=Tahoma]Play A LOT in your server you are applying for and make sure you are known by admins and regs.[/FONT]
    • [FONT=Tahoma]It's ok to say to admins " Hey will you post some feedback about me", but DON'T harass them to do this. If we find out that your doing this then it won't help you.[/FONT]
    • [FONT=Tahoma]If you see a hacker demo them using the correct procedure and submit an unofficial report.[/FONT]
    • [FONT=Tahoma]DONATIONS help keep the servers running and are greatly appreciated.

    How long does it take?

    Once you have submitted an admin application, you will be reviewed on the above criteria and if you have adequately met them. If you are active prior to your app, the process will be a lot quicker. Applicants will usually be accepted by the end of the month if they applied the first week or close to the first week of the month. For people who apply that aren't active, the process may take over a month.


    1. AGE Our minimum age requirement is 16, but 18 is preferred. In the past admins have been accepted under 16, so it is allowed, but you must go above and beyond to prove yourself.

    2. ACTIVITY You MUST play on the server you want admin for, and not just a little, we want people who are in there like it is a RELIGION.

    ....* Idle Ventrilo.
    ....* Be Available on Steam.

    Helpful Tip: Sometimes when you aren’t in the servers, it is still a GREAT help to have you available to players who have your info in case no other admins are on and something such as a hacker is ruining everyone’s experience on the server.

    4. NG TAG YOU MUST SPORT the NG tag.
    * The "clan tag" does NOT count.
    * As an Admin - the NG tag must be worn IN FRONT OF YOUR NAME at all times.

    5. MIC/VENT
    If you are playing in our servers, you must also be in Ventrilo, which means yes... You do have to have a microphone. If you don't have one, go to your local Wal-Mart, K-Mart, target, or other white trash large general stores.

    6. BE FAIR We want people who will be there and take care of things, not be there, and ban every person who talks to them bad, or to ban EVERY player that you THINK hacks... If your going to ban someone you need to be 150% sure they are hacking, or have a couple other ADMINS agree and tell you to ban them, if you made a mistake, you better be willing to live up to it or lose your admin if its bad enough. There are many other options of things you can do to someone instead of ban them, if you want a run down, ask one of us admins who have been there for a while.

    7. FORUMS Be ACTIVE on the forums, this means be posting on the forums (but not spamming) BOTH before and AFTER you have applied for admin. Failure to remain active on the forum after you apply will result in denial.

    8. OTHER COMMUNITIES To be considered you must NOT have Admin or play in any other communities. This also means you can't scrim 24/7 and expect to get admin.

    Make sure to Join our steam community group Steam Group - Click Here...

    It is REQUIRED to have your Forums name the same as your In-Game name. ( WITH PLAIN TEXT, NO SYMBOLS )
    (Please forum pm any SSA to get your name changed)

    A final note:

    If its your first time applying for admin, should you be accepted you will enter a recruit phase which lasts up to a month. On completing this phase you will either be accepted onto the admin or told to work on some things and your trial will end.

    If you have been an admin in the past or are applying for another server, should you be accepted you will be added straight to admin at level 2.

    [FONT=Tahoma]Helpful Notes:
    • [FONT=Tahoma] By reading this thread, and becoming an NG Recruit, you Agree that you WILL be held to higher standards than other members.[/FONT]
    • [FONT=Tahoma] Keep in mind that as a Recruit, you are being given a trial run to see if you are a proper fit for our Admin Team.[/FONT]
    • [FONT=Tahoma] Your Attitude and willingness to help the Community will be the deciding factors in you getting Promoted or NOT.[/FONT]
    • [FONT=Tahoma] Promotions are decided and given by the Admin Recruitment Team (ART).[/FONT]

    To those of you that dont get approved right away because you might be new to the Servers / Forums, or both. Please dont take offense to this or get discouraged. We are always paying attention to whats going on in the community and will not let you go un-noticed if we feel you deserve to get Admin in our Servers.

    - N00b Galore Management

    You need to be registered for at least 15 days and have at least 50 posts to view and submit an admin application form.
    Last edited by xNuggeTx; 09-14-2013 at 06:20 PM. Reason: Fixed a few new things.



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