Is there certain players on HideOut that you find yourself consistently going back and forth with?
After playing on HideOut for a while there are a few players I find myself consistently running into with the result being one of the two of us killing each other. These instances usually are followed with some friendly smack talk and joking around.
So here is my list of my HideOut Rivals:
- Snizzlesnap- One of my favorite players to play with and us killing each other usually results in some funny reactions.
- Drewcifer- I seem to run into him every time I rush long hall which usually results in one of the two of us killing each other. We also never seem to be on the same team.
- Cr4nky CuBa- A long time HideOut reg and a player who I constantly find myself running into.
- Leon- Another long time reg who I enjoy playing with and I find myself going back and forth with.
- Greywolf- My rival when it comes to scouting.
- hehehe- This guy has caused me to rage at my teammates countless times for not checking snowman.
- NORWEGIAN EPIC- Has created quite a few laughs running down long hall screaming "PYGO BITE ME" which has resulted many times in him being bitten. On the other hand he is one of the many reasons why I hate the p90.
- Dacar- A long time reg who I find myself constantly running into and he always seems to kill me when it counts the most.
- paincakes- Every time I check the stat page it seems like either I have an amazing kdr against him or he has an amazing kdr against me.
- Draco- When he is on I'm going after him and this usually ends with mixed results. Although my favorite thing to do is killing him when he is on a parra rampage and screwing up his kill streak, or in some cases I have found myself just adding to his streak.
There are plenty of other players I enjoy going head to head with and I could probably make this list 100 players long so I decided to end it at 10. I also left out some players who I enjoy going playing against due to the result of these encounters being pretty one sided (Digital, 2sly, Vino, etc.)
So who are your biggest HideOut rivals??