I need to know what the steps are for people who come on server to cause trouble , be racist and make the gaming experience in the server unpleasant, or to such a degree we have to mute.
I need to know what the steps are for people who come on server to cause trouble , be racist and make the gaming experience in the server unpleasant, or to such a degree we have to mute.
Hey, Take a quick demo and post it in the ban request section. The team will look at it and take the decision on further action.
Alias: Turbanator
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ok that's great and all and good after the fact , but it seems that during the time it is happening we take a demo and then say it takes several days for what ever punishment for that person , but in the meantime for hours we have to deal with such a nuisance. I have been in vent, the forums, and contacted people via steam. and for the most part an admin will come in but there have been times when several admins are on and they are not in game but i message and they ignore or even close their steam out. I know the game is not their life and so forth but we need a recourse other then taking a demo if no admin is there.
well boominz just know that action will be taken against such person if they're found guilty and if they want back in the server they better drop that $50
Has the idea been thrown around of votekick implementation so innocent players have at least some provisional power to remove hackers absent admin availability?
Last edited by Judge Drewdy; 07-03-2016 at 08:00 AM.
Following this because I'd like to see where this goes^^