I think we may have to update the rules and motd as the rules don't say anything about racism or racist comments. also the scat sprays are getting out of hand a bit.
I think we may have to update the rules and motd as the rules don't say anything about racism or racist comments. also the scat sprays are getting out of hand a bit.
I think it's funny there has been plenty of nights I've been playing in there and bam some weird spray that gets talked about and a few laughs are shared. Now if its something REAL bad take a screen shot type "status" in console find the person steam id and post it in the request ban section.
Last edited by Motive; 02-12-2016 at 06:14 PM. Reason: shit to shot...
Would someone please direct me to the rules?
What's a scat spray? also i agree on the racism thing...because cheesus christ no one wants to hear that #amirightladiez