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  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by PAUL(ANJA) View Post
    We like to keep things competitive so we tell our Admins to use the best judgement possible with things like this.

    However - Rules are rules.
    Alright so is what I did against the rules of your server? Don't get me wrong, I like the rule, it is there to PREVENT CAMPING. One of the many reasons why I like your server is because it allows people to AWP. So I figured you guys allow all types of guns to promote competition and fair play. But then not allowing one to outsmart his opponent in clutch rounds seems very silly and contradicting.

    Edit: You have to understand I wasn't camping. I simply fell back from B tunnels with the bomb to go and plant at A. When I reached long A and killed a CT by A ramp, I get put on the beep thing. Seems like admin abuse to me. I'm not here to argue, I just want to uderstand your rule and if you actually promote competition and smart play in clutch rounds.
    Last edited by okk; 02-04-2009 at 12:28 PM.

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by okk View Post
    Alright so is what I did against the rules of your server? Don't get me wrong, I like the rule, it is there to PREVENT CAMPING. One of the many reasons why I like your server is because it allows people to AWP. So I figured you guys allow all types of guns to promote competition and fair play. But then not allowing one to outsmart his opponent in clutch rounds seems very silly and contradicting.

    Edit: You have to understand I wasn't camping. I simply fell back from B tunnels with the bomb to go and plant at A. When I reached long A and killed a CT there, i get put on the beep thing. Seems like admin abuse to me.

    If you are making an attempt to complete your objective ie. planting the bomb, then the Admin should let you play on.

    If you have 30 seconds left, and you are in lower tunnels and decide that you want to go Upper Tuns to T Spawn to go Long, then you should get slayed.

    We can sit here all day coming up with different scenarios about this rule...
    Last edited by Mr. Anja; 02-04-2009 at 12:35 PM.

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  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by PAUL(ANJA) View Post
    If you are making an attempt to complete your objective ie. planting the bomb, then the Admin should let you play on.

    But, if you have 30 seconds left, and you are in lower tunnels and decide that you want to go Upper Tuns to T Spawn to go Long, then you should get slayed.
    Ok, so zbone1 clearly was upset and abused his admin which is fine with me now that I got to know the rules from you. There was well over 1:30 left in the round when I killed 3 people in B tunnels and picked up the bomb. I fell back and as I reached spawn it was around 1:20 and that's when zbone1 started kicking me around. I did not camp in spawn, kept running to A to plant, because that was my objective. The CTs seemed to have rotated except for one by A ramp. After I killed the A ramp CT from long a, I get put on the BEEP thing by zbone1. I left the server at this point. So he clearly abused his admin. That is all I wanted to know and clarify. Thanks PAUL.

    Edit: Lol Paul, well the reason why I brought it up is because Iwanted to know if zbone1 actually abused his admin or was playing by the rules. The whole point of the rule is to prevent camping, not outsmarting your opponents in clutch situations. From what you've mentioned about the rules, it's clear to me that I was playing by the rules. That is all I wanted to know.
    Last edited by okk; 02-04-2009 at 12:51 PM.

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    I have seen people rotate from b tunnels to T spawn to long a to try to "outsmart" the other team, usually when this happends it wastes everyones time and the admin slays the person in spawn still, what I was doing was letting you know you can not be in spawn at 1:30 inless the bomb isstill at spawn, there are plenty of ways to "outsmart your opponent, what I did was simply my best judgement and if you dont like then get out of spawn, you actually should have been slayed in my opinion.
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  5. #65
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    i personally don't think an admin should slay if someone is retreating through spawn with bomb, or towards the bomb through spawn if there's still enough time to plant it, unless they're being dumb and scoping through spawn down mid or something for a long period of time while they're doing it.
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  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by zbone1 View Post
    I have seen people rotate from b tunnels to T spawn to long a to try to "outsmart" the other team, usually when this happends it wastes everyones time and the admin slays the person in spawn still, what I was doing was letting you know you can not be in spawn at 1:30 inless the bomb isstill at spawn, there are plenty of ways to "outsmart your opponent, what I did was simply my best judgement and if you dont like then get out of spawn, you actually should have been slayed in my opinion.
    This is allowed on your server according to your rules. Camping wastes people's time, not outsmarting the other team. If you really don't like people trying to outsmart the other team to win the round then you might as well decrease the round time on your server. I've done it couple of times in your server and the admins who were present at the time didn't do anything about it because to them it was a clutch round with plenty of time to go. You clearly don't like competition and skill in this game. I think you were just upset that you would push long and then get killed by someone in spawn cuz that's what I do in the beginning of the round. Wait for idiots to push

    The bottom line is that the whole point of this rule is to PREVENT CAMPING and CAMPING alone. No body likes anyone to be in spawn till the round ends. But if you're running around the map to pickup the bomb or kill rotators and outsmart, then that's a totally different thing and your rules clearly allow it. But if you think this is wasting others time then well, first of all, don't push like a moron as a CT and secondly, simply lower the round time.

    I think I'm done with your pub. What's the point of allowing AWPs when you don't allow clutches. It was fun while it lasted. GG to ALL!

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    I slay at like 1:15-1:25, after that anyone in spawn is fair game because I've slayed the "Spawn Campers"... it's not fair knowing I rotate from B tuns to Long A at times to plant, to then turn around and slay somebody for doing the same thing I do.
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    you can try to put the blame on me saying I was pissed because I was getting shot at long a, I had a 3kdr, I dont care about dying, follow the rules, I have seen other admins give warnings as well, quit bitching, as I will say again you were lucky you werent slayed, a slap and a beacon isnt abuse sorry, and our round times have been like this for years, thats why we are the number one gaming community, if you dont like it find another server I could really care less, but these are the rules, and these are the times aloud to play on NG servers.
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  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by zbone1 View Post
    you can try to put the blame on me saying I was pissed because I was getting shot at long a, I had a 3kdr, I dont care about dying, follow the rules, I have seen other admins give warnings as well, quit bitching, as I will say again you were lucky you werent slayed, a slap and a beacon isnt abuse sorry, and our round times have been like this for years, thats why we are the number one gaming community, if you dont like it find another server I could really care less, but these are the rules, and these are the times aloud to play on NG servers.
    I didn't intend to put the blame on you. I came here to find out for myself what this rule stands for and what's its purpose. Paul agrees, Shock agrees, and many other admins who decided not to slay me also agree. You're the only one not following the rules. The whole point of the rule is to PREVENT CAMPING. What part of that do you not understand? Do you know what CAMPING is? Drop your ego dude, everyone makes mistakes. It's okay to be wrong and pissed off sometimes. Like I said before, and I'll say it again, I posted this here to find out for myself what the whole "out of spawn by 1:30" rule truly meant. From what I've gathered in this thread, it is made specifically for those who CAMP IN SPAWN. It is there to PREVENT CAMPING. What you did was against the rules since I was NOT CAMPING, simply rotating from B tunnels after killing 3 there and picking up the bomb with at least 1:40 still left on the timer. The reason why I say you were upset is because if you really wanted, you could've put me on beacon in T spawn. Instead, you put me on beacon AFTER I had killed a guy at LONG A ramp. Not once did I stop to "camp" while rotating from Tunnels to A.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shock View Post
    I slay at like 1:15-1:25, after that anyone in spawn is fair game because I've slayed the "Spawn Campers"... it's not fair knowing I rotate from B tuns to Long A at times to plant, to then turn around and slay somebody for doing the same thing I do.
    But that would make too much sense!

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    the guy u killed was in connector, u were at t spawn, the guy complained saying why the fuck is he still in t spawn, I dont really care what you say, we could go on for days about this, if you rotate you are just wasting everyones time, the funny part about it all is you were in tunnels, then went to t spawn to go to mid...and died, when you could of just went to lower tunnel to mid... makes sense.
    the "t's no camping past 1:30 rule" is here for a purpose, it sort of pisses people off when they come out of connector and there is a terrorist in fucking spawn. that was you =\
    and the beacon and slaps were done, because yea maybe a slay shouldnt have been done, but if you were to rotate every round I would slay, that was sort of like a warning dont do that shit, I have seen people slayed for rotating at 1 minute, and you were in spawn AFTER 1:30, why else would I post my bind of saying be out by 1:30, now that I remember it all, I posted my fucking bind "t's out of spawn by 1:30 or be slayed" as you were going from tunnels to t spawn, and u still went.
    Last edited by zbone1; 02-06-2009 at 12:21 PM.
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