UPDATED 06/02/09
The spawn camping 1:30 rule has and continues to come in question a lot in the server. Management has looked at the issue and come up with a solution for all admins and players to follow.
Here is a radar shot of the map and what is outlined in red (t spawn) is where you must be out of after 1:30. This rule carries over when the bomb is planted. For example, if you are sitting behind the long A door while the bomb is planted in B, you can expect to get a warning or slay. Mid is considered a neutral zone and is safe play if you are going after CTs. If the bomb is planted in A, you should not be anywhere near spawn or outside b tunnels.
***To add to this, for some confusion about this rule and rotating back from B.***
You are allowed to rotate back from b if...
-The bomb is down in T-Spawn or around outside Long A and there is enough time to plant
(if it is in mid, then rotate through lower tunnels)
-You have the bomb and you want to rotate back to A "to throw the team off" as long as there is enough time to plant
(judge getting into contact with cts, do not rotate if there is less then 30 seconds, instead go through lower)
Otherwise, stay out of Spawn and do not be camping past 1:30
Keep it simple, fair, and have fun