Hey guys I asked Adam to add alltalk to Dust2 to see how people like it and to allow more communication between the players. Please vote on this to see if it should stay or go...
Hey guys I asked Adam to add alltalk to Dust2 to see how people like it and to allow more communication between the players. Please vote on this to see if it should stay or go...
What if baby dolphins were to impregnate me.... Would I be a real boy?
All talk only when we are dead![]()
I think alltalk should be on when alive and dead. I dunno being in hideout for a long time I feel it really is one of those things that makes Noobgalore simply... "Noobgalore". It really lowers the competitive feel to the environment and the server alltogether, and just somewhat encourages people to just have fun and enjoy the server. I dunno maybe dust2 is different than hideout, but i think alltalk is one of those core things along with !bling that really portrays what noobgalore is.
"Why settle for good enough, when you can have it all."
“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.”
Hideout CS:S
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Hideout CS:GO
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it takes away from the strategy of d2. with like office it is so small you dont need it but ct would be way too easy with all talk. no more yelling rush long or short or b
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I think it should stay. It keeps a variety for those who like the competetiveness in servers.
I am the designer klutch so if you want any designs, pm me.
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personally i think it should stay without alltalk because when things get serious and we really call out strats and shit