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  1. #1
    NG Forum VirGiN
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    Lol crackhouse hacks

    hi guys and gals merry christmas !!!
    ok i`m here because your submit section wont let me submit !
    now the one i`m here to address is a player named candyland steam id 0:0:9604265
    he is in 15 place in crackhouse and thats the shortest time of any player to climb that high
    his stats page will show his hacks unless your drinking the candyland koolaid too !
    dude as a 10 kill per minute last night and i went through all the legit players i know no one even close to that .
    dude as the highest ratio in crackhouse 4 to 1 with a 10 kill per min last night 1200 kills almost in 2 hours ?
    come on guys !!! that doesnt take a genious to figure out he hacks .
    not including all the players that call hacks on him look at the chat from crackhouse last night at 10 central to 12 am .
    this dude is so obvious a hacker its disgusting.
    cyanide did take a demo but he said it was inconclusive and that this dude was making just quick moves .
    well i`ll explain one i have seen with my own eyes .
    he jumped up on garage roof on his way he killed 4 people when he got there there was 3 people 2 with m4`s and 1 with awp. they were all at backend of garage and he was able to jump on roof shoot the 2 with m4`s while they were shooting him then kill dude with awp whole time he barely took damage and they died.
    this is beyond ridiculous. its your servers your rules i get that .
    but there is no one gonna tell me this KID isnt cheating. when cyanide took the demo obviously the dude either toggled off or just plain played it cool.
    i know that this is taking away from whats normally fun and cool in there.
    go to his stat page and then tell me hes not hacking .
    i will say one more time i been demoing hacks for over 3 years in css and HE IS hack .
    good luck with that decision because hes just laughing his ass off at ya`ll .
    and loving my rage . please help
    Last edited by the_flyswatter; 12-25-2010 at 11:05 AM. Reason: add

  2. #2
    NG Forum G0d Cyanide's Avatar
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    I understand your frustration! But he is in the server regularly. And if he is toggling. then i or another admin will take the proper steps from there. Admins cannot see everything that goes on. Thank you for bringing this up to me. I will definitely keep an eye out. Merry Christmas to you

  3. #3
    NG Forum G0d 1/2 Dead Already's Avatar
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    Cyanide is correct . There is only certain things we can do. Even if he is hacking it takes 110% proof that he is, no exceptions period.

    Besides I have played with you on the server before and you rage a whole hell of a lot about anyone that kills you more than they should. The other night you raged about a player that was 30 and 31 of hacking.
    If you have proof that he is hacking then we welcome your submission of the demo and showing us the proof.

    Just because you suspect it is not enough for us to ban him. The other night you had an almost 2 to 1 KDR, should we assume you hack as well?
    1/2 Dead Already

    "It rains on the Just and the Un-Just alike......"

  4. #4
    NG Forum VirGiN
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    yep i get that and i guess you guys want solid proof . but that stat page is pretty solid. i dont care whom you are you cant kill 10 people a minute with the awp in here.
    but cool man just saying my piece.
    i really feel this kid has chams and some kind of bot.
    no way you can make the shots he does no way.
    when i set him up and kill him he gets p.o.ed and next time he shoots me through the walls when i`m in a postion that no one can see me . right then he shows his ass.
    i know for 100 % certaintee he is hacking . guarantee his full game is altered. he probably scripted out to the max, and has chams and a bot of some type.
    thanks cyanide appreciate the comment on my frustration man cause it really ruins the game for us all . i just take it ppersonal and shouldnt.
    thats how it was when i was admin and thats how i would want it.
    i`m not trying to get someone unfairly banned forsure. this is not about hes better then me i suck thing. i could careless if your better thats cool. i just work harder then to kill you
    it gives me something to reach for in getting my game better.
    and yes i`m sorry about the rage man.
    it is something i been trying to tame . but when i`m shot through 4 walls and in a postion not to be shot that would get anyone mad.
    i tried too take chat off my game by cl_showtextmsg 0 but the dang chat still shows ?? plus i have been muting all that try and talk trash.
    i will be cooler in there man sorry
    Last edited by the_flyswatter; 12-25-2010 at 02:44 PM. Reason: REPLY

  5. #5
    NG Forum G0d Pyron's Avatar
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    lol calm down its a death match server. they're made to players to objective, no teamwork, no reason to rage especially cause people who are good at a dm are only good in a dm

    try mixing it up and visit our other servers like office, dust2, iceworld, zombies...etc.

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  6. #6
    NG Forum G0d Lolek[-NyC-]'s Avatar
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    This is not the first person I saw you call hax on, watch them closely play, and it is possible to get 1,300 kills in 3 hours cause I did 1,100 in 4 and Im a baddie
    Last edited by Lolek[-NyC-]; 12-25-2010 at 03:01 PM.

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  7. #7
    NG Forum VirGiN
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    dude this wasnt in 3 hours it was 1200 kills in 2 hours. he as a constant 8 kills per min not one player in css nor in crackhouse especially has 8 kills per min not one, unless he or she is hacking.
    i`m not arguing with you guys if he hacks, he does, i know it for sure.
    i`m stating fact here, not my personal opinoin. you cant shoot through 4 walls without seeing a person without walls or chams.
    my ratio is 1.5 and i get around 4 to 5 kills a minute with smg or 2 to maybe 3 with awp, till i get shot
    i`m not jumping out windows busting people with 1 awp shots from midair or jumping through hatches and firing and killing a player that has a distinct advantage and should kill you but doesnt.
    i have gotten large number or kills in short time because people choose to come at you when you have a advantage on them and they die.
    this isnt whats happening with this person.
    he is in a distinct disadvantage and comes out on top
    i`ve seen him come out that window on top at t spawn and bust 4 people and take little damage (hes damaged from jumping already). that is total bs
    i dont know all the hacks you can use in css but this dude is loaded with them.
    now lolek come in ch so i can bust your cookie lol.
    pyron i go in all those severs man !!!!
    i promise i will cool rage
    still no one answered my ??? doesnt cl_showtextmsg 0 take care of no text in chat ?? i want to not see any text my chat is open to admin i only mute idiots that want to push my buttons.
    i`m not alone in this opinion man there are many that feel exactly like me about this dude or chick.

  8. #8
    NG Forum VirGiN
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    well that isnt the case . this is 1200 kills in 2 hours with a awp
    lolek come in ch i`ll lite you up lol...
    1/2 dead if my 2 to 1 ratio is out of reach then the whole top 20 have to be banned lol
    i only have a 1.5 ratio and i`m not jumping out windows and though hatches and killing people that have a true advantage on me.
    jumping out a hatch or out a window whom has the advantage the jumper or the person waiting ?
    pyron i played dust2 till i cant stand it anymore
    i been playing office and hideout and iceworld and scout and knives, so i been mixing it up man .
    i`ll play less and keep people muted but i wish i could eliminate the chat period. i have used the cl_showtextmsg 0 but some chat still filters through maybe someone has a command that they can help me with ? this would help my chat.
    i guess my proplem is i dont have control of my game when someone is hacking and it pisses me off. if i could limit the trash talk and playerslist mute my rage would go down. i`m not there for some dumb hacks amusment.

  9. #9
    NG Forum VirGiN
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    Default wow double post

    i went to edit the thing screwed up double post sorry

  10. #10
    NG Senior Community Admin Reno's Avatar
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    If you have a problem with a player Private Message one of the GA / SA and we'll look into it don't make these worthless threads thanks.

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