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    NG Administrator Mr. Anja's Avatar
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    Arrow How To Record A Demo Properly

    Enabling and Opening Your Console

    You must enable the ~ key for the console in CSS in order to record demos. To do so, click on the options menu in CSS>keyboard>advanced, where you will see 'Enable Developer console' (~). make sure that box is checked, then save the changes.

    Recording a Demo

    Recording a demo requires the following procedure:

    1. Press the ~ key that will enable console.
    2. Type record space name of the player no spaces no characters. I.e. Record nameofplayer
    3. While in console type "status" so we have the steam ID captured in the demo. Also make note of this steam ID for your ban submission.
    4. To stop the demo recording you type "stop", no less no more just stop.

    Playing the demo back

    1. Get out of the game, type disconnect in the console.
    2. Type playdemo space then the name of the player. I.e. playdemo nameofplayer
    3. An easy way to also open demos you do the following. (this is preference) Hit Shift + F2, then you will see that window pop up, you go to load, and it will give you a browse menu and a list of all your demos.
    4. To rewind and slow down the demo while it plays, also to check out tick rates and all that other good stuff that you need to know for bans or for good information, its also required as an Admin of NoobGalore, you are required to write down the tick rates. I.e. shift+F2 then a window will pop out and you will see the player controls.

    Where it says tick: 0/0 thats where the ticks are going to be when you load up the demo.
    Where it says GoTo: thats where you put the tick number to see a specific tick.
    Then you have the basic controls, play pause, stop, quit, and speed of the demo.

    When posting a demo in which you suspect walling/ no-recoil, if possible please provide ticks for where you believe the player is clearly walling. When playing back the demo, type sv_cheats 1 then r_drawothermodels 2 in console to turn players into wireframes. This will enable you to see clearly whether or not the player is tracing players through walls and lining up shots through solid objects.

    Finding and Renaming Your Demo

    Your demos will be stored in the following folder. C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\yoursteamaccount\counter-strike source\cstrike. they will have this extension .dem, if. If you need to rename it you can right click the file and change the name not the extension. I.E. your original demo name hacker.dem

    Please name your demos in the servername_hackername_yourname format.

    Submitting Your Demo

    Please fill in the form by clicking here
    Submit Unofficial Report
    We prefer you to use our own file uploading website to upload the demo. GO TO ---> -- Upload to
    You can upload as a guest but if you can please register to get more uploading ability.

    ***** Notes: *****

    • Make sure you type status in the console during the recording of the demo. Any demo without this will be deleted.
    • Try to contact an admin in vent or the chatbox if you find theres a hacker on the server
    • Make sure you fill out all questions in the form as best you can.> Our Demo Review Team (DRT) will watch the demo iin a timefly fashion and message you back on the forums with the outcome, so please be patient.
    • The full Steam ID is in the STEAM_X:Y:ZZZZZZZZ format

    Last edited by Stella; 04-15-2011 at 05:33 AM. Reason: Updated

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