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Thread: New NG Servers, / the old servers no one play on...

  1. #1
    NG Forum N00biE Cajun's Avatar
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    Default New NG Servers, / the old servers no one play on...

    I suggest that we get a Rotation server fit with rtv, nominate for donators, and vote ban/kick. Myself and others would love to play on an NG server like this.

    I am also suggesting that we make an NG Fun Server... every now and then... there's an awesome SA/GA that comes into hideout and provides us with awesome fun rounds! I suggest that we have a Roulette server with all kinds of diff fun rounds built into the mix that just never stops.

    I know that you guys are going to be like blah blah blah money blah blah blah... so i also suggest that we cut Iceworld and Zombies from our server list... or whichever draws the LEAST amount of ppl per month. btw, i <3 both these servers... but no one will fix the no grav on zombies and there are better zombie servers out there anyways : / and Iceworld has been a barren wasteland due to be dropped for sometime >_<

    We have already heard ppl saying that they would be willing to donate for the two new servers! Just letting u guys know!

  2. #2
    NG Forum LeGenD Riku.exe's Avatar
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    Yeah I think this is a great idea I love NG and their servers and personally won't leave outside of the NG servers for the most part, so if you guys get a rotation server i would definitely join in on that, also the fun rounds server. Good idea Cajun
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  3. #3
    NG Forum G0d cyberpope's Avatar
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    the problem we have had in the past with rotation servers is the traffic. it would stay packed for a while since we would promote it and then nobody would join it when we went back to our normal servers. i also think we should remove our low traffic servers so then we would need less donations each month.

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    NG PosTing SluT Sexytoes's Avatar
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    This is a really good idea man! I really hope this can be considered seriously so it could possibly put into effect!

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  5. #5
    NG Forum G0d Pyron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun View Post
    I suggest that we get a Rotation server fit with rtv, nominate for donators, and vote ban/kick. Myself and others would love to play on an NG server like this.

    I am also suggesting that we make an NG Fun Server... every now and then... there's an awesome SA/GA that comes into hideout and provides us with awesome fun rounds! I suggest that we have a Roulette server with all kinds of diff fun rounds built into the mix that just never stops.

    I know that you guys are going to be like blah blah blah money blah blah blah... so i also suggest that we cut Iceworld and Zombies from our server list... or whichever draws the LEAST amount of ppl per month. btw, i <3 both these servers... but no one will fix the no grav on zombies and there are better zombie servers out there anyways : / and Iceworld has been a barren wasteland due to be dropped for sometime >_<

    We have already heard ppl saying that they would be willing to donate for the two new servers! Just letting u guys know!
    no the main thing isn't blah blah blah money blah blah blah...

    the main thing is actual people willing to put time into filling the servers and playing in there like its religion.

    its a proven FACT that whenever Adam decides to hook ppl up with a server they want, it dies out due to the same people not wanting to play in them anymore.

    its been repeating numerous times and i know someone will suggest this in the future but all the current servers have the ability to be full. they don't get the love like the other servers do.

    its a good suggestion and a change is always good but its too easy for people to say "add this server", "add this mod" and it will be full for sure..
    meanwhile the reason why it doesn't matter is because upper management have the experience and numbers to show why its not that easy of a task.

    the tf2 servers are great examples. it took countless hours of gametime and idling in tf2 servers to get it where its at.. managemtent, some admins and ng regs put in a lot of time to get it where its at and they still keep at it after all this time.

    anyways.. i could go on a little long but i don't want to type a longer wall of text so i'll get straight to the point..

    the only way adam would think about a suggestion is:

    -take one of the slower servers re-populate it (so show how serious the community is about wanting a new server)

    -consistently reach the donation goal every month (this would be a hands down way to get servers you want)

    that's it..

    side notes
    -a few months ago we had a rotation server with rtv.. what happened to it now?
    -iceworld still gets players and i'm one of them.. there are a lot of iceworld regs (non-ng) that want to play there but again there's no effort in keeping it busy

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    NG Forum G0d Pyron's Avatar
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    btw if you read my previous post and at any point thought... "this is BS"

    that's exactly why new servers won't be added

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    Ice world can get full. Pyron puts effort into it. I've done it. Within 30 minutes we had at least 20 players on the server and at least half were non ng.

    It's about promotion and marketing. If we add a fun round vote feature and no one says anything, what happens? It goes unused. Same thing with servers. If we do implement this suggestion, what is to keep the server from going empty? And why do we have the servers we have? The servers we have are proven to time and time again populate as long as effort is put into it. I can guarantee that a rotation server with rtv will play the same maps over and over again because people will complain about maps.

  8. #8
    NG Forum ChAmpi0n bLiNd's Avatar
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    what if i pay for the server and promote NG with it? outside of my normal donations of course

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    Quote Originally Posted by bLiNd View Post
    what if i pay for the server and promote NG with it? outside of my normal donations of course
    I would say you missed the part where Pyron said it isn't about money for the suggested server.

    The point is lack of activity. And I would also say you could consider donating more if you some how have free money to buy a server. Not being a dick, but yeah. Ok maybe just a little but it's early and I'm moving out.

  10. #10
    NG Administrator Mr. Anja's Avatar
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    Every "empty server" we have can be filled EASILY.

    But, people have to be willing to HELP.

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