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Conversation Between Scrambles and NG-Charger

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Yeah I saw that their album Kezia was published while they were finishing their senior year of high school, which is pretty impressive I would love to see them in concert at some point cause i think that their music is pretty kick ass
  2. Haha haven't seen them in a bit, but yeah when they played the whole scene down here I chilled back stage, but I knew them when they were in High School still haha
  3. Dude Scrambles that's fricking awesome that you know Tim Miller I just got into Protest the Hero about 3 months ago or so and I really like some of their stuff, and I'm progressively starting to like more and more. Personally, my favorite song by them is probably a tie between Blindfolds Aside and Spoils; they are both amazing songs. What songs do you like by them? Haave you ever been backstage at a Protest the Hero concert cause you know Tim Miller?
  4. Cool story about Protest the Hero, the band is from my home town of Whitby and I personally know Tim Miller cause they're my old neighbors. Whats your favorite song by them?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4