- Date of Birth
- February 20
About kathleen0220
- Biography:
- architecture student. i like cooking, fast cars, spontanuity, and raping noobs :D
- Location:
- Buffalo, NY
- Occupation:
- full time student / victoria's secret brand manager.
/ˈbrutl/ [broot-l]
1. savage; cruel; inhuman: a brutal attack on the village.
2. crude; coarse: brutal language.
3. harsh; ferocious: brutal criticism; brutal weather.
4. taxing, demanding, or exhausting: They're having a brutal time making ends meet.
5. unreasoning.
Total Posts
- Total Posts
- 150
- Posts Per Day
- 0.02
General Information
- Last Activity
- 04-03-2010
- Join Date
- 01-18-2007
- Referrals
- 1
Donation System
- Since Start
- 35.00 USD
- Current Year
- 0.00 USD
- Current Month
- 0.00 USD
5 Friends
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