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Thread: Get rid of CS GO Servers and try a different game maybe?

  1. #21
    NG Administrator adamnp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frostbitez View Post
    I agree. But we will need a decent player base to start because without someone being the pioneer it will stay empty. I honestly think we should wait a month or two because CSGO, as you or someone else said, is competitive based right now, and they just started focusing on the community servers.

    Also, wil, css 2 will not be made. The only reason CSS exists is to promote the new (at the time) Source engine, but another Source conversion would make no sense, plus CSGO is on Source too. Now, if you meant a conversion to Source 2, we only have 1 leak of Source 2 even existing, and counter strike is never released yearly, or even in 3 year increments, so once we switch we will be set for a while.
    I don't recall ever giving a time frame as to when I planned on pushing it again -- It will be done when it can be done properly. CSS 2 is nothing that I've heard of. CS:S and CS:GO both run off OrangeBox, not off 'Source' so technically, they are both the same 'game' just with different graphics, physics, and movements---It's the same engine tho.

    As far as I'm aware, CS:GO is the plan for the next 3-4 years, as far as the counter-strike franchise is concerned.

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  2. #22
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    I liked gun game. But I think we are pretty stretched right now... So many servers that need to be populated.

  3. #23
    NG Forum G0d Pyron's Avatar
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    It's like a broken record and always the same story.

    Someone asks for a new server because it'll be busy, it gets added then becomes dead and someone else asks for a new game/server to replace the previous dead one.

    Rinse and repeat lol...

    It's always the same answer.. "put in your time on a consistent basis to get more traffic in those servers" but the people who wanted the server put in 2 weeks - a month max and leave when it's not busy.

    Shit takes time that no one wants to put in.... rinse again and repeat haha!!

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  4. #24
    NG Administrator adamnp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyron View Post
    It's like a broken record and always the same story.

    Someone asks for a new server because it'll be busy, it gets added then becomes dead and someone else asks for a new game/server to replace the previous dead one.

    Rinse and repeat lol...

    It's always the same answer.. "put in your time on a consistent basis to get more traffic in those servers" but the people who wanted the server put in 2 weeks - a month max and leave when it's not busy.

    Shit takes time that no one wants to put in.... rinse again and repeat haha!!
    exactly. It takes months of commitment, but then it pays off -- and then its kickass. Peeps need to just understand that it won't fill itself, and even if your in there playing 1 on 1....That's how you build the community. I used to sit in office every saturday and sunday morning just me myself and i, waiting for someone to join. As soon as they joined, I would begin talking to them to strike up conversation to keep them ingame...Until another joined....repeat. Until before you knew it, there were 200, 300, 400 people coming back every day....Then we needed to expand, because you couldn't get in our servers.

    THATS **ALL** it takes....Sustained growth requires sustained action. We need to stop taking NG for advantage, and we need to give back to her!

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  5. #25
    NG Forum Wh0re Bl1nkY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adamnp View Post
    exactly. It takes months of commitment, but then it pays off -- and then its kickass. Peeps need to just understand that it won't fill itself, and even if your in there playing 1 on 1....That's how you build the community. I used to sit in office every saturday and sunday morning just me myself and i, waiting for someone to join. As soon as they joined, I would begin talking to them to strike up conversation to keep them ingame...Until another joined....repeat. Until before you knew it, there were 200, 300, 400 people coming back every day....Then we needed to expand, because you couldn't get in our servers.

    THATS **ALL** it takes....Sustained growth requires sustained action. We need to stop taking NG for advantage, and we need to give back to her!
    I agree 100%. But when those days of people not being in there then takes weeks, then takes start to look at things in a different perspective. Its not like you can go into another server and start spamming links for NG server.
    Id love to pose the question to every admin recruit or higher in NG... when was the last time you played CS:GO in NG server? Has anyone "pushed" you or you saw an Ad in any other NG server about GO to try and get people in it recently?

    i guess all i am trying to do is shed light on an area of NG which could be good, but turned out not so good. Convo sparks interest so that was my motivation. i love the enthusiasm of, we can do it, we can make it prosper! but fact of the matter is right now, NG has no presence in CS:GO so maybe allocating these resources elsewhere would benefit NG more....

  6. #26
    NG Administrator adamnp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bl1nkY View Post
    I agree 100%. But when those days of people not being in there then takes weeks, then takes start to look at things in a different perspective. Its not like you can go into another server and start spamming links for NG server.
    Id love to pose the question to every admin recruit or higher in NG... when was the last time you played CS:GO in NG server? Has anyone "pushed" you or you saw an Ad in any other NG server about GO to try and get people in it recently?

    i guess all i am trying to do is shed light on an area of NG which could be good, but turned out not so good. Convo sparks interest so that was my motivation. i love the enthusiasm of, we can do it, we can make it prosper! but fact of the matter is right now, NG has no presence in CS:GO so maybe allocating these resources elsewhere would benefit NG more....
    re-read this thread, then bang your head on the desk.

    I've answered this numerous times already. They aren't utilizing any resources at the moment, we aren't pushing them at the moment until we can gather our heads and do it properly, and yes, if it takes weeks-months-half a year...That's how its done. That's how every server we have now was built, and every server we used to have also. You cannot expect anything to do well if time is not put in.

    Anywho -- this is an ongoing topic now, as most questions have already been answered. Let's get back to focusing on what we have, and when I decide to push CS:GO I will let you all know....In the mean time!

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  7. #27
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    I've been playing some CS:GO lately since the release of the random drops like in TF2 and one thing I've noticed is that after X amount of rounds are played and it officially ends and the random weapons are given out that a lot of people quit a server if they don't get a weapon. I saw a server go from 40/44 to 22/44 after the random drop thing and 2 people got a weapon or crate. It seems people just want the items now but they aren't dropped like in TF2 where you can keep playing and just randomly get one when you die, you have to wait for the server rounds to end.

    While on the flipside to that, it does keep teams fresh since after X amount of rounds, everybody had to reselect a team and they were constantly changing so it didn't become as stale as CSS does with certain players intentionally stacking a team.
    Attached to the 7/95TH 4 BDE Army Reserve

  8. #28
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    Blinky is boss on hideout. keep it up. haha

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  9. #29
    NG Forum VirGiN
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    im not sure dedicated GO servers are the way to go....all the servers i play in at least have a map vote if not custom maps on the server... if you want to get a server hopping real quick i would make a 24/7 Dust 2 DM. those are pretty populated. But for a successful GO community server i would have to say you 100% have to go with a rotation. my two cents.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by LIFTbutton View Post
    im not sure dedicated GO servers are the way to go....all the servers i play in at least have a map vote if not custom maps on the server... if you want to get a server hopping real quick i would make a 24/7 Dust 2 DM. those are pretty populated. But for a successful GO community server i would have to say you 100% have to go with a rotation. my two cents.
    Yeah, rotation servers are always more fun in my opinion. Just more variety!


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