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Thread: Get rid of CS GO Servers and try a different game maybe?

  1. #11
    NG Forum G0d FaTmAn's Avatar
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    Haters should get behind CS:GO and just push through the shityness of being bad and get decent. It's a fucking solid game. The community created maps are just as impressive and creative as they were on CS:S. The shooting style is a bit harder, but pretty accurate and classic enough to get used to quickly. CSGO GG rotation server?? That'd be killer.

    Make the migration and forget about some measly points you have all racked up on HLSTATS. It's time to progress.

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  2. #12
    NG Forum G0d Cpt. Brenner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FaTmAn View Post
    Haters should get behind CS:GO and just push through the shityness of being bad and get decent. It's a fucking solid game. The community created maps are just as impressive and creative as they were on CS:S. The shooting style is a bit harder, but pretty accurate and classic enough to get used to quickly. CSGO GG rotation server?? That'd be killer.

    Make the migration and forget about some measly points you have all racked up on HLSTATS. It's time to progress.
    But its the shity-ness that kills it for me man, i tried hard to push it back in the day and it was a total flop. I rarely play because its a meh game that just doesn't have that appeal like CS:S does for me. As for that, we had a minecraft server and section for the forums but was scrapped (now it can run with only bare minimum res. and run smooth).

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  3. #13
    NG Forum Wh0re Bl1nkY's Avatar
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    CS:GO Actually got a little better with this new Arms Collection and drops like TF2 but the real game changer was the user community maps. Some are really good and a nice change of pace from the dust, office, and aztecs of the norm...

  4. #14
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    Really, CSGO just doesn't give any reasons to migrate. They really they didn't change much. No reason to start all over when you can just stay for however long you want in what you are used to and know you enjoy. Now, if they added some fresh new elements into the formula to make something that would blow us away, then I can see, but for now CSS runs on everyones computer no doubt, everyone knows it well, and migration is not on the top of the priority list, at least not for me.

  5. #15
    NG Administrator adamnp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frostbitez View Post
    Really, CSGO just doesn't give any reasons to migrate. They really they didn't change much. No reason to start all over when you can just stay for however long you want in what you are used to and know you enjoy. Now, if they added some fresh new elements into the formula to make something that would blow us away, then I can see, but for now CSS runs on everyones computer no doubt, everyone knows it well, and migration is not on the top of the priority list, at least not for me.
    It's because they started off releasing CS:GO with a complete competitive mindset on it. They wanted to get the 'competitive' part going before the 'public' part. Their entire goal was to bring the competitive communities that drove the game for so long. They have just recently begun working on the public server aspect of the games....As people have mentioned, it is FAR different than it was when we gave it a hard push.

    You can all hold your reservations, but the fact remains that there is still 40k plus people playing it -- and that is a market we cannot 'forget about' --- we gotta find a way to incorporate it and envision something good out of it. If you think about it, the same can be said from 1.6 to CS:S -- all the old 1.6 players HATE CS:S --- however, many of us prefer CS:S over CS:GO.....I feel that same aspect will need to happen for CS:GO. All of *US* might not want to be in there, because we've grown up on CS:S....But there are thousands upon thousands that are going to start off right on CS:GO, and not bother with CS:S....We *HAVE* to capture those new players.

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    Quote Originally Posted by adamnp View Post
    It's because they started off releasing CS:GO with a complete competitive mindset on it. They wanted to get the 'competitive' part going before the 'public' part. Their entire goal was to bring the competitive communities that drove the game for so long. They have just recently begun working on the public server aspect of the games....As people have mentioned, it is FAR different than it was when we gave it a hard push.

    You can all hold your reservations, but the fact remains that there is still 40k plus people playing it -- and that is a market we cannot 'forget about' --- we gotta find a way to incorporate it and envision something good out of it. If you think about it, the same can be said from 1.6 to CS:S -- all the old 1.6 players HATE CS:S --- however, many of us prefer CS:S over CS:GO.....I feel that same aspect will need to happen for CS:GO. All of *US* might not want to be in there, because we've grown up on CS:S....But there are thousands upon thousands that are going to start off right on CS:GO, and not bother with CS:S....We *HAVE* to capture those new players.
    I see exactly what you mean, and CSGO has players, and those players would no doubt be a great addition to our community. But, nobody joins an empty server, and before we get new people, some of our members need to populate these servers. I am willing to do so once I pick up CSGO in a few months, but again, nobody joins a server with 1 other person. If we can get a certain amount of members in those servers, more will come, then we will get some regulars and we are on our way

  7. #17
    wil is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by adamnp View Post
    It's because they started off releasing CS:GO with a complete competitive mindset on it. They wanted to get the 'competitive' part going before the 'public' part. Their entire goal was to bring the competitive communities that drove the game for so long. They have just recently begun working on the public server aspect of the games....As people have mentioned, it is FAR different than it was when we gave it a hard push.

    You can all hold your reservations, but the fact remains that there is still 40k plus people playing it -- and that is a market we cannot 'forget about' --- we gotta find a way to incorporate it and envision something good out of it. If you think about it, the same can be said from 1.6 to CS:S -- all the old 1.6 players HATE CS:S --- however, many of us prefer CS:S over CS:GO.....I feel that same aspect will need to happen for CS:GO. All of *US* might not want to be in there, because we've grown up on CS:S....But there are thousands upon thousands that are going to start off right on CS:GO, and not bother with CS:S....We *HAVE* to capture those new players.
    This is 100% true. I grew up playing 1.6 and till this day dislike cs:s (maybe not as much as I originally did). I was one of the last ppl of my friends to move on to cs:s b/c I loved cs 1.6 so much. I've tried cs:go and didn't like it but never thought it to be a bad game tbh. Most my old friends I played cs, cs:s with have all jumped to cs:go. They figure it's the same as 1.6 to cs:s. Eventually source will die and you will have to move on. Why not get use to it now. Any game can be fun once you get use to it and stop comparing it with another. The only thing that worries me about jumping to cs:go is the rumor of cs:s 2 in development. If they do make a cs:s 2 and it becomes a major hit, then cs:go transition will be for nothing. If our cs:go servers were up and running full and Adam needed me, I would not mind jumping to cs:go admin or being both cs:go and cs:s dust2 admin. I've learned from the past that hanging on to the old ways isn't always the best and you have to at times approach things with a open mind. Besides, I'd have an excuse to be bad again LOL!
    Dust2, where all the skilled CS:S players go. Office is for noobs and the unskilled. It's a free country, make your choice. I wont judge you...too much
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  8. #18
    NG Forum Wh0re Bl1nkY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adamnp View Post
    We *HAVE* to capture those new players.
    Maybe do a poll of the community and find out who has CS:GO and how popular it is among your current community ranks, not just management needs to feel this way.
    To do this, as you know, your server needs to stand out. Get ideas on how to make CS:GO more attractive. Maybe hold a contest to get the word out like you do with source. Its been nice for donations and it helps spread NG. You dont have to offer prizes but just perks for time being as an example. Give away some CS:GO guns or crates with keys.

    CS:GO is not make or break for NG and management. What you have constructed as a community is bigger than one game. Having is nice, but if at first you dont succeed you try again. If you start losing "money" then its time to think about moving on. There are communities who try to grow in a market and even venture out into other genres(e.g. minecraft) yet dont have the success as their initial games.

    Im just a regular in CS:S because I, like most, am addicted to CS and have been for a long time. CS:GO may be that type of game for other players...

  9. #19
    NG Administrator adamnp's Avatar
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    we wouldn't be 'transitioning' to CS:GO. We will be incorporating servers, and continuing with what we have. Just as we currently do, I will just be putting a push on it again. Not sure where you guys are getting the idea that I'm going to 'switch' to CS:GO.

    The objected goal behind NG is to make it a large multi-gaming, social community that is self sufficient. Every other community has had 1, or 2 leaders who refuse to dole out responsibilities to the community, or access. So when the 'leader' goes, the entire community goes. For the past 2-3 years I have been purposely transitioning NG away from a 'single leader' role into a community that can survive without me, or any one other single person.

    The key to completing that successfully is to start at one point, secure it, brand it, and then expand it that brand. Your absolutely right that we won't succeed at all attempts, and the strategy here has always been to learn from our mistakes and do better. We will attack this properly when the time comes, right now I'm focusing on getting GG and ZM up and to ensure we build our admin team up more. We need more able minded, helpful bodies -- and thats what should be on everybodies mind right now. Feed me the faces I need to build the castle, and we will build it.

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  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by adamnp View Post
    we wouldn't be 'transitioning' to CS:GO. We will be incorporating servers, and continuing with what we have. Just as we currently do, I will just be putting a push on it again. Not sure where you guys are getting the idea that I'm going to 'switch' to CS:GO.

    The objected goal behind NG is to make it a large multi-gaming, social community that is self sufficient. Every other community has had 1, or 2 leaders who refuse to dole out responsibilities to the community, or access. So when the 'leader' goes, the entire community goes. For the past 2-3 years I have been purposely transitioning NG away from a 'single leader' role into a community that can survive without me, or any one other single person.

    The key to completing that successfully is to start at one point, secure it, brand it, and then expand it that brand. Your absolutely right that we won't succeed at all attempts, and the strategy here has always been to learn from our mistakes and do better. We will attack this properly when the time comes, right now I'm focusing on getting GG and ZM up and to ensure we build our admin team up more. We need more able minded, helpful bodies -- and thats what should be on everybodies mind right now. Feed me the faces I need to build the castle, and we will build it.
    I agree. But we will need a decent player base to start because without someone being the pioneer it will stay empty. I honestly think we should wait a month or two because CSGO, as you or someone else said, is competitive based right now, and they just started focusing on the community servers.

    Also, wil, css 2 will not be made. The only reason CSS exists is to promote the new (at the time) Source engine, but another Source conversion would make no sense, plus CSGO is on Source too. Now, if you meant a conversion to Source 2, we only have 1 leak of Source 2 even existing, and counter strike is never released yearly, or even in 3 year increments, so once we switch we will be set for a while.


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