"Game of Thrones," is a wildy popular fantasy drama that is currently runing on the Home Box Office (HBO) Network. The series has recently set an all-time record number of concurrent downloads via torrent, according to data that was collected by Torrent Freak, a Torrent tracking consortium.
Torrent Freak, was tracking uploads and downloads of the first episode of the newest season of "Game of Thrones" recently and it was found that just a few hours after the torrent was initially shared over 160,000 people were involved in its distrubition of its pieces. The "swarm" of people sharing the torrent far outpaced "Heroes," which was the previous title holder according to Torrent Freak. Another 11,000 people were sharing the complete season of Thrones, with over 50k downloading at that time of this publication.
It is now believed that just two days from the airing of the episide, over one million leechers have grabbed the file, and it has quickly become the most popular show ever downloaded, and one of the most popular shows on television. If you live in a box, the show follows the fantasy novel series "A song of Ice and Fire" which is written by George R Martin, and is now running in its third season.
The United States appeared to be the top place for all downloads, followed by the UK and Australia. What does that have to say about continued piracy and the MPAA and RIAA?
Now that the major ISP's are all contributing to the 6-strikes pact, has the death of the torrent arrived? These statistics seem to say otherwise, however I personally recommend any who are torrenting to stop. Unless you have loads of additional cash for a lawyer, or extremely forgiving wealthy parents, it isn't worth the bullshit it could bring. Years ago the ISP's used to protect the individuals, however after the Patriout Act that is no longer the case. Loads of information is turned over immediately. Do you trust them? I don't!
Game on!