Personal Stats
Real Name: Victor B
In-Game: ng. pRo
Age: 18
Height: 5'6
Weight: 145
Ethnicity: Portuguese?
Location: Ct
Occupation: Town Fair Tire
Server Admin
( If you're an Admin.)
Counter-Strike: Source:
Day of Defeat: Source:
Team Fortress 2:
N00b Galore Server(s) of your Choice:
Counter-Strike: Source: Office, Scoutzknivez, Hideout and Crackhouse
Day of Defeat: Source:
Team Fortress 2:
Video Games
Online: CS:S and sometimes TF2
Console:Xbox 360
Vent Status
Username: NG Pro
System Stats
CPU: AMD 6000+
RAM: 8g corsair
Video: EVGA 9600 GT SC
HD: 500gb or 300gb (10,000rpms) Western Digital
Mouse: Microsoft Optical
Keyboard Mii
Sound: Surround sound phillps board comes with all the stuff
Monitor: 2 Acer Monitors only use one when playing cs:s
Average FPS: 56 i think
Photos (Thumbnails Only)