Personal Stats
Real Name: Nicholas Troy Hill
Steam: [MGW] Crest Toothpaste
League of Legends: Crest Toothpaste
Starcraft II: MikeJones
Minecraft: ampuma
Xbox Live: CrestFromMGW
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Height: 6'
Weight: 145lbs
Ethnicity: White - Latino
Location: Texas
Occupation: Student
N00b Galore Server(s) of your Choice:
Counter-Strike: Source: 24/7 Office that has AWPS
Video Games
Online: CS:S, TF2, L4D2, SC2:HOTS, Minecraft, Tera, Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind, SC:BW, Spore, AoE, LoL, Killing Floor, APB, Fear 3, Fallout:NV, LA Noire, Portal 1& 2, Half-Life 2, and lots more
Console: Halo 4, Ace Combat 6, Army of Two, Oblivion, GTA4 , Timeshift, and lots more.
System Stats
CPU: AMD A10-5757M
Video: AMD Radeon HD 8650G
HD: 1 TB
Mouse: Logitech M185
Keyboard: Logitech K270
Sound: Dolby Home Theater
Monitor: 15.6'' HD LED Touchscreen and 32in HD LED Samsung Tv
OS: Windows 8
Average FPS: 60