Personal Stats
Real Name: Matt Sears
In-Game: biker
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 165
Ethnicity: white
Location: Socal
Occupation: Butcher
Server Admin
( If you're an Admin.)
Counter-Strike: Source:
Day of Defeat: Source:
Team Fortress 2:
N00b Galore Server(s) of your Choice:
Counter-Strike: Source: Surf server
Day of Defeat: Source:
Team Fortress 2:
Video Games
Online: source is all i play
Xfire Status
Username: bikester1986
System Stats
CPU: e6600
RAM: 2gigs
Video: 4870 ati
HD: 500gig
Mouse: 518 logitech
Keyboard: some crappy hp keyboard
Sound: xfi xtreme
Monitor: 22" widescreen samsung
OS: windows 7
Average FPS: 300