1. Your Name? (Real name, last name not required)
Sean J Ambrose
2. Your Age? (No lies, we will find out)
3. In-Game Name? (One you use on Vent and in-game)
Ng-Cpt. Brenner
4. Your STEAMID? (Type status into the console whilst ingame)
STEAM_0:1:18830128 (directly from my game....not sure what u wanted....)
5. Have you read and do you agree with the requirements?
Yes, I have and would have to say that i can read more than 10 minutes without dying..^_^
6. Around what time interval do you normally play?
Around 3:00 to about 5:25 central, sometimes a bit more/less (based on my attitude and if my girlfriend is being a bitch..)
7. How long have you been playing CSS/DODS/TF2 on your Steam Account that you're applying with?
Hmm, I bought CSS about 2 years ago, and just loved it....and haven't stopped since
8. Do you sport the NG tag in your name at all times while in NG servers??
Of course, my good man! I promote NG in every server i go to (and got kicked out of a SteamGamer server because they thought i was "recruiting" with the name)
9. Do you have a MIC, and Vent installed, and USE them both?
Of course, and paid a decent price on my headfones/micfones, my gf told me one day that i sound like Berry White....(is that true, we may never kno?)
10. How long have you been playing in the NG community and actively been in vent and posting in the forums?
I've been playing on the NG servers ever since NG Escape or Massacure was up and running, and migrated to Hideout ever since Escape closed, and i've been on forums for some time (i would say around a year or so, cant remember anymore..)
11. Do you have any admin experience with Mani or SourceMod admin plugin?
Nope, but i'm a fast learner so give it a couple of days and a few beers and we'll be good to go! ^_^
12. Why do you want to be an admin on our servers? (Write a short paragraph)
Well, shucks, every time i play hideout, there is always an asshole that mic spamms or is just wanting to be the f*cking asshole with PMS, and there is never a admin on...or they cannot get on since its full...so i want to help in any way to get those idiots off so that "most" of us can still play and enjoy.
13. Are you willing to donate on a monthly basis?
Of course...as soon as i can pay off the debts and car payments and find the mystical money here and there...i'll be glad! But im under a bit of a crunch rite now and i need all the cash or im losing the apartment, so until this problem is solved and i get my raise, i'll be glad to donate money to the NG (and really hoping that if i donate some more cash, we can have the NG Zombie Escape or Massacure server back up and running!)
Well, thats me in a nut shell, hope this is what u wanted to hear...! ^_^