Hi ya'll, its Cpt. Brenner, I'm here to state that i want to be an admin in NG so....here goes nothing
1. Your Name? Sean J Ambrose
2. Your Age? 18 going to 19 in August
3. In-Game Name? NG-Cpt. Brenner
4. Your STEAMID? Haven't the slighest clue since im not on steam rite now but i will post it later
5. Have you read and do you agree with the requirements? Yes i have read and agreed to the terms (but i cant donate any money cuz im just about to get kicked out of my parents house so i need all the cash i can keep)
6. Around what time interval do you normally play? Around 3:01 to about 4:30 sometimes later
7. How long have you been playing CSS/DODS/TF2 on your Steam Account that you're applying with? I've been playing CSS for about a year and a half (one whole year on NG servers) and just starting to play on TF2
8. Do you sport the NG tag in your name at all times while in NG servers?? Oh of course! Everytime i go to another server i "recruit" new members to the NG servers, but not intentionally....so im not breaking any rules on the other servers
9. Do you have a MIC, and Vent installed, and USE them both? Yes i have a very good mic that doesn't sound like shit or very spacy...i use vent most of the time (until vent gets too loud cuz i cant figure out why the sound blasts to max every time i use vent....)
10. How long have you been playing in the NG community and actively been in vent and posting in the forums? Every now and then, i travel across country with my father who is a master surgen and its really hard to stay posted on the forums but i will be more "faithful" when my father quits moving across country in May.
11. Do you have any admin experience with Mani or SourceMod admin plugin? Never used any of the two....so i cant answer that one
12. Why do you want to be an admin on our servers? (Write a short paragraph) I really want to be an admin on Hideout and any zombie servers cuz there are a crap load of mic spammers that need to get kicked out and there is never an admin on when they do....and by that time when they get on...the mic spammer left but will be back later and I just want to take a role in keeping the "peace" on the NG servers....
13. Are you willing to donate on a monthly basis? I can try if i get a decent paying job and hopefully not get kicked out of my dad's house, but if i live at my mom's house then yes almost all the time (parents are divorced) so i can see what i can do (and if i get the money about $20-40 dollars any time i get the cash.)
Well, i've said what i need to say and praying that i get to be an admin! If something is missing, just give me a holler and i'll get rite back to it! I kno that i talked to Spoon, Sarge, Ducky, and they all said "i got the potiental" but that was a while back....