1. Your Name? (Real name, last name not required)
Sean Ambrose
2. Your Age? (No lies, we will find out)
Going to be 19 on August 6
3. In-Game Name? (One you use on Vent and in-game)
Vent: Ng-Cpt. Brenner In-Game: Ng-Cpt. Brenner
4. Your STEAMID? (Type status into the console whilst ingame)
STEAM_0:1:18830128 36:59 110 0 active
5. Have you read and do you agree with the requirements?
yes, i have
6. Around what time interval do you normally play?
around 2pm to about 6pm and sometimes 9am to 4 pm
7. How long have you been playing CSS/DODS/TF2 on your Steam Account that you're applying with?
I've been playing CSS ever since the first Counter Strike came out, and i've been playing with NG for a year but i signed up in forums for 7 months
8. Do you sport the NG tag in your name at all times while in NG servers??
Of course.....i prefer NG over any other servers
9. Do you have a MIC, and Vent installed, and USE them both?
Of course, and its not a horrible mic either so thats a plus
10. How long have you been playing in the NG community and actively been in vent and posting in the
For about 7 months, but i've been playing on NG servers for about a year
11. Do you have any admin experience with Mani or SourceMod admin plugin?
No, but i am a fast learner
12. Why do you want to be an admin on our servers? (Write a short paragraph)
I want to be able to ensure the best gaming experience on our servers for both old and new gamers so that they will come back and enjoy our servers...I dont want any mic spammers, hackers, and fucking morons who just whine all the time to ruin the NG name.
13. Are you willing to donate on a monthly basis?
I would be glad to, but money itself it tight since im paying for my college and apartment (but when i get my money all straighten out, i'll be glad to donate!)