1. Your Name? (Real name, last name not required)
Sean A
2. Your Age? (No lies, we will find out)
3. In-Game Name? (One you use on Vent and in-game)
NG|Cpt. Brenner
4. Your STEAMID? (Type status into the console whilst ingame)
5. Have you read and do you agree with the requirements?
6. Around what time interval do you normally play?
Well, now that im in college, i can play almost any time but i do normally play around 2 pm Central to 6 pm central
7. How long have you been playing CSS/DODS/TF2 on your Steam Account that you're applying with?
On my old account, was about a year and a half...(but that got hacked due to a faulty skin and i got a new account) and on my new account, less than 2 months
8. Do you sport the NG tag in your name at all times while in NG servers??
I always do, feel naked without it
9. Do you have a MIC, and Vent installed, and USE them both?
10. How long have you been playing in the NG community and actively been in vent and posting in the forums?
probably for about 9 months, maybe even 10...or so
11. Do you have any admin experience with Mani or SourceMod admin plugin?
None what so ever
12. Why do you want to be an admin on our servers? (Write a short paragraph)
I want to be an admin for zombie because i want to get rid of all the mic spammers and hackers and make sure that people like coming to play zombie. That and also i woul like to help add more maps to the zombie collection of maps. I also want to make sure that the other players enjoy playing on Zombie server. But to also help out the other admins like show, teabag, and gi3s3r with those who mic spam and all that stupid nonsense.
13. Are you willing to donate on a monthly basis?
Already donated a couple of times cuz I managed to squeak out a few bucks out of my hetic schedule but once I get my
second job all squared away (and if everything goes well) I’ll be glad to donate more than I have been, but untill that fatefull date….I’ll be glad to donate