Admin Application Form
Your name? Sean A
Your age? 24
What server are you applying for? CSS Hideout
In-game name? Cpt. Brenner
Your STEAM ID? STEAM_0:0:26565468
Have you read and do you agree with the requirements? Yes
Around what time interval do you normally play? Whenever I get off work (roughly 7:30 or later)
How long have you been playing CSS on your Steam Account that you're applying with? Probably since '09-'10
Do you sport the NG tag in your name at all times while in NG servers? Yes
Do you have a MIC, and Vent installed, and USE them both? Yes
What is your vent username? Cpt. Brenner
How long have you been playing in the NG community and actively been in vent and posting in the forums? '09
Do you have any admin experience with the source mod plugin? Yes on both
Are you willing to donate on a monthly basis? Depends on the available funds on that month
Why do you want to be an admin on our servers? Help manage during the dusk hours and whenever I can, also to help work on the new plugins to make server better
In what ways can you contribute to the overall population of the Server? Used to be ex-GA, helped Zombiemod/Gungame, and help create and enforce the rules that are used today so need I say more?
Which *admin* referred you to apply for admin? EvilClosetMunkey
It requires a lot of work to keep NG active, but a little bit of work from everybody assists greatly! Are you willing to assist by helping complete a number of our monthly objectives and goals? Show us by completing one of the following: Yes
TASK 1: Please try to refer 5 people to either the forums/vent; Name them here: -na-
TASK 2: Make at least 5 content filled threads: Provide links to each thread:TASK 3: Like us on facebook Read #4
TASK 4: Share 5 posts from the forums on Facebook utilizing the social media icons From within the Forums Don't use social media
TASK 5: Advertise the servers / community in at least 3 places OTHER THAN STEAM; Provide EVIDENCE Twitch,, and TechieGuru's
TASK 6: Get at least 100 hours idling a server: Use your steam profile as evidence.
EDIT: For some reason, I lost my original thread so I'm gonna re-apply in case if anyone is wondering. Also Adam, email me if you want that sample plugin...I have it ready to go.