Are u a masachist?
If you must argue, remember that it is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.
Oh and sinatra... i wish i was recording when you were trying to run away that one round last week!!!
" HEY get back here!!! " *bang *bang
and the laughter that initiates for minutes after
Polish with a neg score! Lyk z0mg.
I can't remember why I took this pic in the first place though :/
Current In Game alias: NG|MuSe?
Lol, I wish I had recorded Polish today when I was in my new account. I killed him 6 times and he raged harder after each one. And then, some dude blocked him and he was screaming into his mic. If only I could take pictures of the rage.
lol this is something you dont see everyday
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Images, Lolpix, catpix, you name it. Upload it. x]
"LOL did red get raped by a dog when he was little?" -munky
i have the same screenie. you took it cause polish had said, "oh god, i'm doing terrible today, screenies everybody!"
and today... polish raged at mecause he didn't know it was me...he threw a flash, went passed me and raped his face. wish i could have demo'd it. "WHY THE FUCK WEREN'T YOU FLASHED" - Polish <3
No more singing please.