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Thread: Get this guy outta here...

  1. #1
    NG Forum VirGiN
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    Default Get this guy outta here...

    NG caspaH. He gets in the server and just trash talks everyone for no reason. Makes NG look bad.


  2. #2
    NG Forum G0d EggYoLk's Avatar
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    If it a problem, please hop on vent our add one of the Dust2 admins so we can take care of as swiftly as possible, most of the time, you can reach an admin on ventrilo or on the shoutbox etc.

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    NG Forum G0d xNuggeTx's Avatar
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    Will be dealt with next time. Sorry about the negativity. Greyhound is a team flasher so i can see him getting mad there but other than that, he shouldn't be talking like that. Please pm me next time it happens.

  4. #4
    NG Forum Wh0re scape's Avatar
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    Dust2 has been under siege from dumb kids and hackers. I got a demo of Greyhound walling (so blatant he was demonstrating where he looked through and shot into walls while I was demoing), but he left before admin came and it got removed when I reinstalled Steam/CSS. Last night some kids named fart party and NG Adam were in acting like server admins, telling people how to join NG but then just being dicks and racist to them. This other kid 'I downloaded a car once' waits until he plays enough rounds in Hideout or Dust2 to look legit (he's pretty terrible), then he turns them on even while admins are playing. Happened two days ago in Hideout, MasterBlaster was in-game at the time. Several people noticed it, including me.

    It really sucks because I play CS:S less and less now just so I don't have to hear or see or deal with the daily bullshit. Yep, tell me to cry more now btw.

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  5. #5
    NG Forum Wh0re scape's Avatar
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    That's all well and good if A) You don't play here everyday or B) don't care about being bad and/or getting killed 20 times by a 12-year-old kid walling just to see him leave server for 3 hours and come back and do it all over again without any repercussion. Trust me, it's frustrating as fuck even for people who "relax and have fun."

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  6. #6
    NG Administrator adamnp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scape View Post
    That's all well and good if A) You don't play here everyday or B) don't care about being bad and/or getting killed 20 times by a 12-year-old kid walling just to see him leave server for 3 hours and come back and do it all over again without any repercussion. Trust me, it's frustrating as fuck even for people who "relax and have fun."
    The alternative is we quickly, and haphazardly ban everyone who 'appears' to be doing anything disruptive. Guess what, thats not happening. We would have 400x the issues with banning people simply to appease a few people who feel that the biggest issue ever is that some guy with some crap ass score might be walling.

    We did it the latter way initially, and over the years have learned that banning 'quickly' leads to WAY more issues, WAY more complaints, and WAY more "LEGITIMATE" players ending up banned for no reason, and hence this is why its done the way it is. If certain players are that impatient to understand we have these procedures to protect THEM **NOT** the hackers, then there really isn't much we can do to appease that crowd. For the most part, 98% of people have no problem understanding that we want to be as diligent as possible and as correct as possible when banning people that play in our servers. Go to ANY other community that does NOT do it the way we do, and you can scroll through every day complaint upon complaint of 'dumbass admin banning me i got 10 years cevo experience blah blah blah'

    Just look at it from our point of view, and understand WHY our procedures are in place. There is nothing better than honest human control.

    With that being said, and to comment on the original post; That guy deserves a smack in the face, and I have no problem giving it.

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  7. #7
    NG Forum Wh0re scape's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adamnp View Post
    The alternative is we quickly, and haphazardly ban everyone who 'appears' to be doing anything disruptive. Guess what, thats not happening. We would have 400x the issues with banning people simply to appease a few people who feel that the biggest issue ever is that some guy with some crap ass score might be walling.

    We did it the latter way initially, and over the years have learned that banning 'quickly' leads to WAY more issues, WAY more complaints, and WAY more "LEGITIMATE" players ending up banned for no reason, and hence this is why its done the way it is. If certain players are that impatient to understand we have these procedures to protect THEM **NOT** the hackers, then there really isn't much we can do to appease that crowd. For the most part, 98% of people have no problem understanding that we want to be as diligent as possible and as correct as possible when banning people that play in our servers. Go to ANY other community that does NOT do it the way we do, and you can scroll through every day complaint upon complaint of 'dumbass admin banning me i got 10 years cevo experience blah blah blah'

    Just look at it from our point of view, and understand WHY our procedures are in place. There is nothing better than honest human control.

    With that being said, and to comment on the original post; That guy deserves a smack in the face, and I have no problem giving it.
    Hey I totally understand that. It's frustrating sometimes, but I get it. I've seen a lot of it happening so blatantly, and I know lots of people are doing it and hiding it well. I also know there are some really good players, but on these servers I just haven't seen a lot of '155-14' scores from legit players. Sure it happens, but if you took a data pool of scores from three months, those kinds of scores would be in the top 1% here, so it's suspicious. The only ones I even pay attention to are guys I have seen do terrible for an extended period of time and suddenly come in and go 55-3 in the middle of the day. I never even talk about it or bring it up unless I can honestly spec the guy and have seen his normal play vs. his CAL-play he does every other day or whatever.

    I also know this problem is not limited to NG. I took a seven year break from CS and in those seven years the amount of hackers and the availability of hacks has spread like a disease. I was shocked (and still am) at the amount of cheating going on in this game on every public server. I'm a .500 player and know I won't ever be a .800 average player. My good days I can get near .750 or so, but rarely. I'm OK with that and I'm totally cool with some people being .900 average players beating my ass all the time, but it's not OK when I know they have a software advantage over people who are just trying to hang out and play a video game. So, yeah.. that's all.

    I know I bitch about it a lot, but sometimes it feels like people just accept the fact that cheaters are everywhere and go, "oh well, can't change it." That's not cool at all. And I'm talking about the random regular players here, not the staff people. A good analogy is people who use HealBot or VuhDo in WoW. It's a big advantage, and it became so big that now you cannot raid in a competitive group without it. I met maybe two players good enough to heal a top-tier 25-man raid without addons. So when I see all the complacency about coming down hard on people for cheating, it feels like all that does is make more people want to cheat. At some point you'd have more cheaters than normal players and cheating becomes necessary to compete, like an addon in WoW. I realize that's an extreme example, but at this rate something will one day need to drastically change on Valve's end to stop the flow of people using hacks just to not get rolled over in every pub.

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    NG Forum G0d EggYoLk's Avatar
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    It happens all the time man, us admins are not hacker police or even want to be one. Many of us are when we do issue a ban want to make sure we are 150% sure that the player warrants one. If you have problem finding any admins weather it is Dust2 or Office, you can use this list to try to reach the appropriate admin for the server. Add us on steam as we are always trying to be available to keep a nice and great gaming experience and to be fair to everyone. If you cannot reach us, being on vent is the best and recommended method to reach an admin. Some players only act like that if no admins are present and that is why we encourage a lot of you guys to apply if you think you are up to the task. Good luck and enjoy NG.

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  9. #9
    NG Forum Wh0re scape's Avatar
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    I don't think I've been around long enough to apply for admin, and I definitely haven't donated enough. I try to do what I can as a regular player. I did have one question though. A guy that multiple admins know cheats is -----. This kid donated it looks like. I really doubt he could get in trouble now, like ban wise. What happens in this kind of scenario? And what would be the harm in just banning this kid outright? I doubt he could organize a letter writing campaign or whatever it is they do when they get banned. He has no friends that I've seen, and comes and goes toggling hacks when he wants.
    Last edited by Giggles; 05-03-2013 at 07:22 PM. Reason: Please Do Not Call People Out PM Someone

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  10. #10
    NG Forum MastER Giggles's Avatar
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    I camp various spots and kill him easy as can be. I have personally never really had a problem with him unless I run picks me off easy. Polish, Me(when activate tray hard mode), Frank, Abc, Draco, Klish, etc... can tell where anyone is on the map almost at any time when anyone fires or runs. -_- if you have a problem in server with a person just teamchat @(message to any admin to watch him) or if you feel your up for it record a demo make sure you add a status to it from (console) and we will review and ban if needed! No exceptions!

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