Just out of curiosity was wondering what :
and color you guys play with.
my sens is- 2.0
scale at - 1200
dynamic - 0
color - green
Just out of curiosity was wondering what :
and color you guys play with.
my sens is- 2.0
scale at - 1200
dynamic - 0
color - green
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.7 ya ya i know
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My mouse goes to 8000 dpi so i normally play with around .2-.8 when i scale down to 4000 dpi.
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Office Admin
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Deathmatch Admin
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50. tats y i have a lil twitch every now and then
i cant read i just guess the words
13.5 with my 600dpi mouse
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☆Pro Surfer☆
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[19-07, 20:33] -NG-}{eLL_Cat its a bunny!!!
[19-07, 20:32] -NG-}{eLL_Cat ()()
[19-07, 20:32] -NG-}{eLL_Cat (' ' )
[19-07, 20:32] -NG-}{eLL_Cat (())o
[19-07, 20:32] -NG-}{eLL_Cat ()()
woah woah woah....50....50?! 50?
wtf are you on? what mouse...that's almost not even be possible. I mean with 20 you move your mouse a half inch to turn and you will atleast 360. So 50...naw..I cant imagine how you could use that and be accurate unless your desktop settings for your mouse are set below default.
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Office Admin
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Deathmatch Admin
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