If I ever had a gripe about Noob Galore it would be this, that everything is done by the book. The problem with doing everything by the book all the time is that there are exceptions, anomalies, things that come along for which there is no response in that little book. What I'm referring to is the recent spree of incidents involving a player named 'Satan Hilself' on the Crackhouse server. A player that blatantly aimbots almost every day.
The problem with Satan Himself is that he doesn't give you an opportunity to catch him, the second he sees an administrator join the server he disconnects, the second anyone moves to spectate he disconnects, not only that but he won't play if there are any spectators at all and he doesn't stay on the server for long. Which is also somewhat fortunate because you can get rid of him by moving to spectate. So, to the administration team, what's your solution to someone like Satan Himself, who's been hacking almost daily for weeks?