he's #1 again
he's #1 again
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I really wish you can ban people from teams.First on everybody list would be hertz.
It's not the end of the world..
"It's only a matter of time before you get vac'd"
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Really to be honest i could really careless about rank.
OMG...man hes #1 again HERTZ is a FUCKEN FAGGOT, gay and and gay all the gay words out there
he is just an awpwhore 24/7 ct, awp, camping the hallway of T
he thinks hes all good with a score 284-22..wow all he does is wht i said above
when he TRIES to use a different guns he fucken sucks
and yeha all tru HE IS GAY!
hertz, the "waiting for CT" line is that way.
yes thts the gay faggot...SHEN send it too me i was fuck dude ur gay !
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To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 10 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.