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Thread: Greetings

  1. #1
    NG Forum VirGiN
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    Default Greetings

    Hello. I am the leader of *****. It is my understanding that one of our members has become an issue in your server.

    First let me start off by saying i apologize for any inconvenience that they may have caused. Being a server admin, and website host i understand that with so many big picture things happening that these little incidents can be quite redundant and a real pain.

    My main reason for this post however is that through the grapevine i heard that you may be considering banning my entire clan from your server. While i can not say that that isn't the easiest method i would like to plead with your server admins and host to please reconsider this. I have no problem with you baning the individual and hell, i will even provide his STEAM ID so that you can do so. I just know that some of my other members enjoy playing there, and i would hate for them to be punished due to one members lack of judgment.

    If someone would like to get in contact with me via STEAM my Steam name is the same as the name i have signed up with on the forums.

    Thank you in advance for reading this post. Please know that i have rules set in my server and on my forums that members are told to adhere to, regardless of where they are in the gaming community.
    Last edited by ECM; 11-21-2010 at 09:01 PM.

  2. #2
    ECM is offline
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    I don't know where the heck you heard any of this, but nothing matching what you said happened or was going to happen.
    Orangemaps (old)

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