Nice score for dad. How many minutes did he play?
Nice score for dad. How many minutes did he play?
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hahahah this is anwsome !!! keep it up
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What? I thought I was your daddy!
"The fact Ron Paul wasn't elected is a sad reflection on American society and a strong implication that it's too late to fix this country".
thats cool as shit i cant get my dad to play anything other then joystick games lol
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Read this weeks ago but I guess I'll post my story.
So I've always liked video games, and my dad used to fuss quite a bit when I was a teen. Rightly so, for I still spend to much time on games lol. I've played CS since beta .3 and hes hated it a long time.
So one day, after I had moved out and came back for a Holiday or something (24ish 28 now), I came home and was playing some CSS and I get up leaving my person AFK. I come back and my dads sitting there playing. So I sit down beside him and start showing him the ropes. Really basic info ect. Well he starts playing more and more. I had to get a seperate account, which somehow ended up being the account I play on now, but NEWAYZ.
You may know him as Old1, OLDBMH, Old, OR any crazy name my little brother(who rarely plays cs anymore) uses and Dad doesn't feel like changing the name. (recently zhypanova). I can always tell whose playing though. He's a camper and a p90 sprayer, but his game has improved ALOT over the years. Considering where he started anyway. He still refuses to use sound of anykind lol. Silent CSS
It's funny to watch him, when hes running with the p90, if he has to jerk the mouse to make a fast turn he sorta moves his whole body LOL. Many times I've also seen him actually turn his head IRL in an attempt to dodge flashes LOL.
To come full circle, now my mom fusses at him for wasting time on there LOOOOOOOOOOOL. Seems justified, but also I feel sorry for him somewhat.
Sorry for the big post -Life story
P.S. I think it's cool your dad played, and looking at his score, hes WAY better than my dad when he started out LOL.